Registration: From 7:00 onward, and the start will be hosted at the boom gate Winsome Valley Road, Between Winsome Valley and Jukskeidrift Rd, Centurion Rural, Tshwane Run Times: It is not a race for everyone, to some, it is about the journey. Walkers will have an opportunity to chat with local residents about the history and the important part that the reserve plays in preserving biodiversity. This is a self-timed run. There will be a mass start for the 12km and 5km run. The walkers will depart a few minutes after the 5km run.
Number Collection: The gates to the venue will open at 06:30 am, you may then head over to the registration gazebo at the venue. All runners and walkers will need to sign in to collect their wristband with emergency number, you will not be permitted onto route without the correct wristband.
The Venue: Minimal spectators are allowed at this event because we unfortunately do not have a large start and finish area. If you are going to be waiting for your sporty family member, please bring along a folding chair or two. Limited shade available, consider an umbrella/gazebo for the sun.
Hydration: There are 2 waterpoints on the 12km route, and 1 on the 5km run/walk route. Kindly carry your own water bottle / hydration pack for all routes. Please sanitise your hands and refill your water bottle from the water tank. We kindly ask that you do not waste water as we need to supply all route participants. We strongly advise that you carry 2 x 750ml bottles or a hydration pack with you on the 12km route.